
What can we achieve?



Mild to moderate

The degree of pain depends on the extension and depth of the injury and the reconstructive procedures chosen.


Depend on the area of the injury, and the reconstructive procedure used, they can vary from a single incision to multiple scars

Scars are planned to produce minimal functional sequelae and are concealed as best as possible.

In complex cases, burn scars tend to be large and disfiguring. The reconstructive strategy will be discussed with the patient and his/her family to determine the procedures that best suit their particular case.


Simple cases usually require one week of immobilization followed by local wound care.

Depending on location, extent and depth of the injury, severity, complexity and time elapsed since the injury happened; it is possible that more than one surgery will be needed to achieve the best functional result possible.

Severe cases and those that didn’t receive adequate initial treatment may require very long rehabilitation programs