Breast augmentation

What can we achieve?

Procedure options

Pain: Mild to moderate tenderness


Concealed around the areola or inframammary fold

Small scar at drainage tube sites

Small incisions at liposuction and lipoinjection sites


Bandages or special bra after surgery

Small drainage tubes for a couple of days

You will have to wear special bra for a month

You may return to work after approximately 1 week

Strenuous activity may be resumed after 3 months

Outpatient procedure

Breast lift

What can be achieved?


Various techniques designed to address particular needs

Complimentary procedure: breast augmentation

Pain: Mild to moderate discomfort


Depend on the technique that will be used (periareolar, vertical incision from areola to inframammary line and inframmary incision)

Scars appear pink or red for about a year then fade gradually


Bandages or special bra after surgery

Small drainage tubes for a couple of days

You may expirience loss of sensitivity (regianed gradually)

You will have to use a special bra for a month

You can return to work about a week after surgery

Strenuous activity may be resumed after 3 months

Outpatient procedure

Breast reduction

What can we achieve?


Various techniques to downsize the breasts, resize and repostion nipple–areola complex

* Complementary procedure: liposuction of the underarm


Mild to moderate tenderness


Depend on technique, periareolar, vertical from areola to inframammary crease and inframmamary incisions

*Scars will be pink-red for 6-12 months, they gradually fade


Bandages or special bra after surgery

Small drainage tubes for a couple of days

You can return to work after approximately 1 week

Strenuous activity may be resumed after 3 months

You will have to wear a special bra for a month

Outpatient procedure